Save time on signing off every email with an email signature in Thunderbird. If you've got your emails setup in Thunderbird, you'll want an email signature too!
You can use a plain text signatures in both plain text messages and also in HTML messages.
Follow this guide on how to create a plain text signature for all of your emails in Thunderbird.
1 : Start composing an email in Thunderbird. This will come below emails you send.
2: Click ‘File’ and ‘Save As -> File’ . This is your plain text signature. Save this as a .txt file.
3: Now there is a file with this text saved on your computer. Click on “Tools > Account Settings" in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
4: On the first tab that appears (account settings), tick the ‘Attach the signature from a file instead’ box. Choose the signature we made earlier (.txt format), and press the ' Save ' button.
Download Mozilla Thunderbird Setup Emails in Thunderbird Our Email Service Creating an Email Signature