How To Add A Link

This guide will show you how to add links onto the site. The Toolkit offers a huge range of locations to link to and they are extremely useful for helping the user navigate around your site.

Step By Step Guide

First of all we need to load the editor. To do this click ' Content ' on the left menu, once this drops down and gives you some more options, click ' Pages '. Then select the page you would like to edit, finally click the ' Editor ' button in the top left.

Linking to Text
Linking text is one of the most common ways to add links to the site, its also been made really easy inside the Toolkit. Simply highlight the text in the editor and click the small chain icon in the Toolbar.

Linking an Image
You can also link images inside the Toolkit, they act the same as text links, however they are a little less obvious since the image does not change to show that it has been linked. All you have to do is click the image so it has been selected, then click the small chain icon on the toolbar.

The next step will be the same regardless of whether you are linking text or an image. The 'Insert Link' box will appear.

In the box, choose the category that summarises the destination of your link. Click on the same category below to find out how to finish the process.


Please note that throughout most of the options when linking you will see two tick boxes:

  • Open this link in a new window
  • Add 'rel=nofollow' attribute

The first option will open the link in a new tab when the user clicks on it, this is espcially useful when taking users away from the site so they still have your site open in the background. This means they can come back to it later.

The 'no follow' attribute option is designed to prevent the link from influencing the search engine index.


Please note that throughout most of the options when linking you will see two tick boxes:

  • Open this link in a new window
  • Add 'rel=nofollow' attribute

The first option will open the link in a new tab when the user clicks on it, this is espcially useful when taking users away from the site so they still have your site open in the background. This means they can come back to it later.

The 'no follow' attribute option is designed to prevent the link from influencing the search engine index.


One of the most common options is to link to an existing page on your website. The first step is to choose the page folder that the page is in, for most clients this will be the ' Admin ' folder. The second drop down will then appear asking for the page title. Once you are happy with this click the ' Apply Changes ' button.

Page Folder

The page folder is very similar to the previous option, however it has one less step. All you need to do here is select which page folder you would like to link to by using the drop down menu.


The 'File' option lets you link your text or image to a document that has been uploaded to the Toolkit. As soon as the user clicks on the link it will either open the document in their internet browser or download the file. It depends how their computer is setup. First choose the file you would like to link to, then once you are happy with the selection, click the ' Apply Changes ' button.


Linking an image comes in two separate stages. The first screen will let you choose the image you would like to link to. Once you have found the image you would like to use, click the ' Select ' button.

The final step will bring up the two tick boxes that we mentioned earlier. Once you are happy with those two, click the green ' Apply Changes ' button.

Image Folder

Linking to an image folder is very similar to a page folder. All you need to do is select the image folder you would like to link to from the drop down menu.


The products module is an older section of the Toolkit that does not see as much use as it used to, however if you have the products module installed then you can use this drop down menu in order to link them.

Product Folder

You can also link to a product folder, all you have to do is select the folder you would like to link to. Finally click the ' Apply Changes ' button.

Super Product Folder

Super product folders can also be linked to. The process is similar to the previous, select the folder from the dropdown and click the ' Apply Changes ' button.


Once again the events module is something that is widely used with customers, however they can be linked by simply selecting the event from the drop down and click the green ' Apply Changes Button '.


Linking something to a fancybox is a useful feature. Essentially when the link is clicked on, rather than taking the user to a new page it loads the page/image in a pop window. All you have to do is add the URL of the page or image you would like to link to, you can even add an alia on afterwards. Alternatively you can link it to one of your own images on the Toolkit. Finally the width and height can ususally be left blank, however these set the width and height of the pop up box should you need to adjust it.


Anchors are used on websites to link users to a specific section on a page. You can read more about anchors here . The first stage is to choose the folder the page you would like to link to is in, from here select the correct page. The list of anchors that appear on that page will display in a small list in the middle of the box. Choose the correct anchor, once you are happy with your selection click the ' Apply Changes ' button.

Anchor on this page

A quicker way to link anchors is to choose the 'Anchor on this page' option. This will simply pull on the anchors from the page you are currently working on.

External Website

Another common option for linking is an external website. This allows you to create a link to any other website on the internet, so it is not restricted to pages on your site. It is also really simple to setup, all you need to do is put the URL of the page you would like to link to inside the text box at the top. Once you have added it click the green ' Apply Changes ' button.


If your website has a form for users to fill out then you can also link to that! All you have to do is select the form from the dropdown list and click the green ' Apply Changes '.

Email Address

Linking to an email address will let users automatically open their email client with a blank email ready to go. This won't work on all comouters however it is very useful for customers who use Outlook, Thunderbird etc...

All you have to do is enter the email address that the text/image will be linking to and add an optional subject.

Affiliate Banner

The affiliate banner option lets you link to a third party banner. Simply add the URL in the destination box. The alignment can also be set if you so wish. Once you are happy with the options set, click the ' Apply Changes '.


This option only applies to clients with a blog on the Toolkit. If you do, the only step is to select your blog in the list by clicking the ' Select ' button.

PayPal buy it now

The final option for linking is the PayPal buy it now. This is for clients who use PayPal and would like to add a button which will let your clients buy products through PayPal. The first stage is to enter the email address for your PayPal account. The item name, ref number, price and currency. Once you are happy with everything you have added click the green ' Apply Changes ' button.

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