2 quarters is the maximum amount of time we can pause an account for.
Providing the current quarter's invoice is paid, we can pause your account for 6 months/2 quarters from the start of the next quarter. For the duration of this time, your website and email services with Toolkit will be offline and you will not pay for these quarters.
If, after pausing for 6 months, you know you'll no longer need the account, you must let us know immediately. This is because we have a 3 month notice period for the cancellation of an account.
For example, lets say you have paused for the 6 month period of January to June. If you confirm to us in June that you no longer need your account, your 3 month notice period will begin then and you will be invoiced for July, Aug and Sept for the 3 month notice period.
As such, if you do pause for 6 months, be sure to review your business' status after just 3 months, so should you need to cancel, we can trigger the 3 month notice period halfway between the account pause, meaning you won't be invoiced and your account will close at the end of the pause.