Menu Items can be edited, to save you deleted unwanted items and setting new ones up.
1: In The Toolkit , go to ' Structure ' and ' Menu '.
2: Click on the Menu Item you'd like to edit.
3a: If you'd like to change the name/display text of the Menu Item, click in the top box and make your text changes.
3b: To change the destination of the Menu Item, press ' Choose Link ' and in the pop up box, find the new target for the Menu Item:
1. Page 2. Page Folder 3. File 4. Image 5. Image Folder 6. Products 7. Products Folder 8. Super Product Folder 9. Events 10. Fancybox
11. Anchor 12. Anchor on this page 13. External Website 14. Forms 15. Email Address 16. Affiliate Banner 17. Blog 18. PayPal Buy-It-Now
4: Press ' Save Changes ' once you're happy with the updates you've made.
Add a new Menu Item Change the Order of your Menu Items Publish/Unpublish a Menu Item Deleting Menu Items Set a Menu Item to open a New Window