Edit an Existing Style

The Styles Module allows you to design your text once, then apply it to text on your site as many times as needed.

Step By Step Guide

In The Toolkit, go to ' Content ' and ' Styles '. Now click on the Style that you'd like to edit.

On the next page, you can edit the name and design of your Style. For the desidn, your options are:

Font : This is the font family.
Letter Spacing : This determines how large the gap is between each letter.
Font Size : Choose how large you'd like the text to be
Text Decoration : These are additional features to add to your text
Padding : Update the space around your text with Padding
Line Height : When on more than one line, how large is the gap to be between each line?
Font Weight : This is where you choose how thick the text is
Align : Update the text to float left, right or central
Background : Choose a background colour for your text
Font Color : Update the colour of the text

When you're happy with how the text looks in the preview, press ' Edit Style '.

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